Saturday, May 3, 2008

To Blog Or Not To Blog

So this is "blogging." This is what happens in the "blogosphere." I'm just starting out with this, so we'll see how it goes.

My wife and I own three Pembroke Welsh Corgis (Maya, Annie, Tex); we do agility with each, to varying levels of success. I'll post about each of them eventually. The main point of this blog, as I start it, is to discuss our agility successes and failures and post the occasional video.

Here is an example:

This is Annie, videotaped at the 2008 AKC Agility Nationals in Tulsa. Notice how well she runs, only to NQ thanks to some less than stellar handling at the end by yours truly. The "great dog, shame about the handler" theme has been a constant in my agility career. At least I'm predictable.

So we'll try this blogging thing for awhile - posting after trials or whenever the mood hits me. Someday, I hope someone running a random GoogleBlogs search accidentally stumbles on my blog and enjoys it, at least a little. A man can dream, right?


Urban Smoothie Read said...

welcome 2 d world of dog blog.

CorgiGuy said...

It's great to be here! Thanks.